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Tynnie Group Trading


Sunday, 9 November 2014




Plasmacluster Ions clean the air inside rooms,as well as break down andremove unwanted odors.

The air inside ordinary houses containsinvisible, harmful organisms such as bacteriaand viruses. Sharp?s unique Plasmaclustertechnology, installed in your air conditioner,uses the actions of positive and negativeions to clean up these airborne contaminantsand create a pleasant living space.

Plasmacluster Ions minimize the growth ofmold inside the air conditioner.
(Inverter and Super Deluxe models only)

While air blow and dry operations are performed for about 40minutes, Plasmacluster Ions are blown through the interior ofindoor equipment. This prevents odor-causing mold fromgrowing on the surface of the heat exchanger.(Note: Mold already formed cannot be removed.)
Sharp?s unique ?Nature Wing? fan blades modeled after nature for increased circulation ENERGY EFFICIENCY efficiency

Air conditioner operation is controlledto achieve a considerable reductionin power consumption, maintaininga pleasant room temperature.

While inverter air conditioners have a full-outputoperation mode, they drastically reduce energyconsumption when used in energy-saving operationmode. This is thanks to inverter circuitry, whichmodifies and maintains room temperature by switchingthe compressor between high and low operationmodes, instead of switching it on and off completely asnon-inverter models do. The inverter model keeps thecompressor running and simply reduces output whenthe room reaches the target temperature, enablingcomfortable, even temperature control.
Saving Energy

Inverter air conditioners go intoenergy-saving operation modeimmediately once the settemperature is achieved.Sharp,s inverter air conditionersreduce energy consumptionand increase performanceef ciency using highpower DCmotors for the compressor andoutdoor fan, and a pulse linearexpansion valve.
Super Jet

Powerful, strong airflow blowingvigorously downwards.
The large fan emits an expanded air volume with vigorous speed, instantly cooling both your body and the room. The reversible louvers send the airfowfurther downward, placing you in the direct path of the breezeeven if you are seated near the ground or lying down.
Large fan and reversible louver construction enableeven more powerful cooling than ever before.
Even greater air volume. Powerful, high-speed cooling cools thebody directly while immediately creating a pleasant interiorenvironment.

Powerful Jet

Powerful airflow directedstraight at the body.
Delivers a powerful blast of cool air.When you stand in front of the airconditioner, you can feel the cool breeze with your entire body.For times when you want to cool down quickly, this offers relieffrom hot, humid weather, or after exercise or other exertion.

The new model reaches the set temperature approx. 30% faster than conventionalmodels, as shown in the graph above.Powerful Jet cools the room quickly, so you don?t have to wait to relax.

Gentle Cool Air

All-embracing airflowfrom the ceiling to the walls.
Cool air spreads throughout the room, creating a pleasantenvironment for everyone. Its indirect breeze makes this modeideal for use when pregnant women, the elderly, and otherswho may be sensitive to low temperatures are present. Thesoft "ow of air also makes it easy to sleep.

Sharp has researched the effects of moving air on temperature. According to the Coandaeffect*, a moving gas or fluid leaving a nozzle tends to follow nearby surfaces, and cold airtends to move down. By delivering cold air towards the ceiling, Sharp?s technicians havedesigned a system that cools the whole room gently and evenly.